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3.3. Ethical Considerations

Links to: Ideas; My Dissertation; Abstract; Table of contents; Lists; References; Bibliography; Appendices; Interviews; Coding; Memos; Notes; Categories; Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four; Chapter Five; Chapter Six

Since qualitative research involves people both during and after the results are made public, ethical issues are permeating all the stages of the study and apply to all the people involved, from researcher and participants to the users of such research. Additionally, utmost consideration was given to all the information collected, processed and presented in the end product. Moreover, the micro- and macro-level perspectives were also considered in the design of this study.   

The ESRC Framework for Research Ethics, The RGU Governance and Integrity Policy and the Research Ethics Policy were followed in designing and conducting this study. The forms used for this study were the RGU Student Project Ethical Review (SPER) Form, the Information Sheet for Informed Consent, the Consent Form and the cover letter introducing the project to every selected researcher who was invited to participate. These forms appear in Appendix …

The researcher is a pivotal instrument in the production of new knowledge. Thus, her highest professional and moral integrity levels were pledged, from thematising the study, to entering the field cognisant and sensitive of the conceptual aspects of the topic researched and the interviewees’ status, both professionally and as voluntary participants with no obligations, throughout the interview situations, transcription and analysis stages, up to and including the reporting of the findings, discussion, conclusions and subsequent recommendations.

The manner in which the ethical considerations were designed into and applied throughout all the stages of the research is outlined in Appendix …

Old presentation:

To the best knowledge of the researcher, there are no conflicts of interest anticipated for the duration of this study. The researcher will proceed with all the necessary ethical commitments in place, once permission is granted to commence. These will be:

  • Upfront and transparent information about everything about the nature of the study and the implications relevant to the participants and any other potential third parties, if necessary;
  • Consent for conducting interviews will be asked verbally and in writing, by using a dedicated consent form (see. Appendix B);
  • No coercion will be exercised and the participant will be free to partake, abandon the interview, or refuse to answer questions, if they are deemed inappropriate, with no need for explanations;
  • Utmost flexibility will be exercised, by arranging interviews at the convenient time and place for the participants,

All the undertakings the researcher is taking, to ensure compliance with the legal and moral ethical requirements, are outlined in the SPER Form submitted as part of this Research Proposal.

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