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by Lucia
(Donghai, China)

Love is the source of life.

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Jul 01, 2013
What is LOVE?
by: Lucia

In English we use LOVE both as a noun and as a verb.

LOVE \ˈləv\ (noun) has various meanings, as follows:
1. a) a feeling:
- a strong affection for another person 'maternal love for a child';
- attraction based on a sexual desire 'I have my boyfriend's unconditional love.';
- affection based on admiration or common interests 'my love for my old schoolmates';
1. b) an assurance of affection 'Please give my love to your parents.';

2. devotion, enthusiasm, warm attachment 'He had an unending love of the mountains.';

3. a) the object of attachment or admiration/devotion 'Drawing was her first love.'
3. b) a beloved person, 'darling', used as a term of endearment 'Hi, love, how are you?' - we use this in the UK, as an informal term of address;

4. a) unselfish loyal concern for another person: 'God's love for humankind; brotherly love for other people';
4. b) somebody's adoration of God 'He was proud of his love of God';

5. a God or personification of love;

6. an amorous episode 'They had a love affair.';

7. the sexual embrace 'the act of copulation';

8. a score of zero, as in tennis 'one, love';

LOVE \ˈləv\ (transitive verb)

1. to hold dear, to cherish 'They loved their grandparents dearly.';

2. to feel a lover's passion, to caress, to fondle amorously, to copulate with 'He loved his girlfriend with his whole heart.';

3. to like or to take pleasure in doing something 'She loved playing the piano.';

4. to thrive in 'Sunflowers love the sunlight.';

Source: adapted from Merriam-Webster dictionary

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