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Magna Carta Celebrations in Lincoln, U.K

What is the Magna Carta?

I landed in the U.K. just in time for the Magna Carta celebrations, on the weekend of 13-14 June this year, marking 800 years since the sealing of this world renowned document. Great activities were organised in Lincoln - where one could find one of the 4 remaining copies of the Magna Carta.

I went to Lincoln to visit my best friends in the U.K., but we couldn't stay still when the place was buzzing with a lot of great events:

- The country's best storytellers gathered at the famous Steep Hill Street, to re-enact the story of King John and the 25 Barons on the 13th and 14th June;

- On Saturday evening and Sunday during the day, there was The Night of Festivals, at the Brayford Waterfront, with fireworks, carnival style giant puppets and live musicians;

- On the 14th June there was a sketch about the subject - "Barmy Britain";

- On the same day, there was a Magna Carta concert at Lincoln Castle, where the Britain's Got Talent winners were actually the headline of the event.

This is what local children undertook as a project. They co-created a thought-provoking piece of art work which explores the way young people want the world to be presented in Lincoln on the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta

The pupils, from The Meadows Primary School in Lincoln, were invited to complete a series of writing and drawing exercises through which they imagined the places they want to see and laws they want to live by. What kind of laws do you think you'd like to live by? Have you ever thought of this?

There was an aerobatic display over Lincoln Castle by the Lincolnshire's famous Red Arrows that zoomed across the skyline on Monday as the team joined in the Magna Carta 800 celebrations. The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, is one of the world's premier aerobatic display teams.

Then of course, we couldn't finish such an important historical date without a procession in Lincoln, where families could participate in the celebrations, including the young and the old alike. This was a theme carnival on Monday 15th June.

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