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Correction for Juana Mary's Message

I mentioned previously that I shall offer a correction service to people writing in and so far I made an effort to keep my word. Following is what I advise you Juana Mary, with regard to your first message. Hopefully other readers will find this useful and it may also function as a motivator for more people to write to us.


Hello everybody!!!!
I,m studying English 8 months ago, and I,ll have my exam PET( B1), next October and I hope pass it.So, I need to practise with everybody in English, speaking, writing, etc.
I hope news soon!!!!
Kind Regards!!!


Hello everybody,

I have been studying English for the past 8 months. I'll have my PET exam (B1) next October and I hope to pass it. So, I need to practise my English with everybody - speaking, writing, etc.

I hope to receive your news soon.

Kind regards,

Juana Mary

My suggestions:

  1. First of all you need to use an apostrophe ['], not a comma [,] to indicate that some letters are missing from your contracted words: < I,m > should be < I'm > and < I,ll > should be < I'll >;
  2. Secondly, the time expression '8 months ago' indicates that you started to learn English 8 months ago and you carry on with this activity at present. In other words, you can express this by indicating that this activity was carried out during the duration of the past 8 months. Since the idea of the activity being in progress at the moment, a present continuous verbal tense is called for and, since the timeline is Present (not Past, nor Future), then you ought to choose the Present Continuous. In addition, because what you have done during the past 8 months is finished, the Perfect aspect should be integrated in the Present Continuous, thus making it a Present Perfect Continuous: < I,m studying English 8 months ago, > should be < I have been studying English for the past 8 months. >
  3. Thirdly, you shouldn't use 'and' after a comma [,]. It would be best to end the first sentence with a full stop [.], to keep your sentences short and crisp. Then again, it's not advisable to start your following sentence with 'and'. You should keep the use of 'and' to the minimum and only use it at the end, before the last utterance in a line of repetitions. < , and I,ll have my exam PET( B1), next October and I hope pass it. > should be < ... past 8 months. I'll have my exam PET (B1) next October and I hope to pass it. >
  4. Fourth: saying exam PET is like saying car red, i.e. putting the adjective after the noun. In this case, PET is used as an adjective, indicating what kind of an exam you are talking about. The correct form: PET exam.
  5. Fifth: many people make the mistake to not use a verb in the infinitive WITH the particle 'to' after the verb 'hope'. One hopes 'to do something', you hope 'to pass the exam', etc. Now, in your last sentence the verb needed after 'hope' is missing altogether! < I hope news soon!!!! > should be < I hope to receive (your) news soon!!!! >, or < I hope to hear (good) news soon!!!! >.
  6. Sixth: a matter of style - it is often regarded as aggressive to repeat a punctuation mark, such as the exclamation mark here [!]. One is sufficiently expressive, in fact you don't even need it after a sentence expressing hope and after sending someone kind regards. '!!!!' is regarded in punctuation etiquette as equivalent to shouting in real life situations and equally is the use of CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR TEXT. I would advise everybody to treat writing as alternative medium for speaking to another person, hence we need to treat the recipient of our writing with respect. 
  7. Last, but not least, I would advise everybody to sign their written communications, even if the recipient knows who the sender is. Do it as a kind of polite closure, rather than identifying yourself as the sender, however many a text messages I receive on my mobile confuse me by the lack of a signature, leaving me no alternative but to write back, asking embarrassingly 'Who are you?'...

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