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Raise your hand all those who've experienced first-hand disruptive behaviours in their class! We've all had the students who just won't stay in their seats, who'd talk out of turn or those producing sloppy work. Some of us have had to even deal with openly rebellious students, disrupting classes with clownish parodies, breaking rules, distracting classmates or simply bonding with other rebels. Other unappropriate classroom behaviours are: retreating into walled silence, resisting their instructor's best intentions or getting to master the art of pushing your buttons, but also getting to extremes such as becoming a danger to themselves and/or others and so on.
When a farmer sows his field, that land – just like a blank mind – accepts the good seeds just as well as the bad ones and nurtures them all into either nourishing grains or poison. The field has no judgement of what it receives.
Equally, our brain takes in both positive and negative input, just as we feed it, just like a sponge takes in water, good or bad.
The question then is … whose responsibility is it to select and plant the seeds into a fresh human brain? Parents and teachers alike are responsible for swaying a young mind – in fact, everybody who influences the thinking of another person – be it a young child or an aging adult, has the responsibility of sowing the good seeds, if we are to enjoy a good community together.
While growing up, a child learns to become independent by gradually selecting his/her sources for new learning. Challenging behaviour is the result of selecting the wrong kind of seeds to sow into one’s brain: instead of getting to master the art and intricacies of maths and reading or writing from their teacher, students can choose to learn the rhetoric of intimidation and the manoeuvring of chaos creation from their challenging colleagues.
You can download the manual below directly from the website, or you can read on and familiarise yourself with the Big Seven - the daily instruction routines: Class-Yes, the Five Classroom Rules, Teach-Okay, the Scoreboard, Hands & Eyes, Mirror, and Switch.
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This is the WBT's core manual for classroom management! A free handbook you can download from this page: http://www.wholebrainteaching.com/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=223&limitstart=15 |
Packed with knowledge, published on Tuesdays.
Get yours here!
Our lessons in the names and sounds of letters, short & long vowel sounds, CVCs, CCVCs, CVCCs, sight words, vowel and consonant contrasts, etc.
Our lessons will help increase your vocabulary, word recognition, find meaning in context, skills for TOEFL tests and other games, for fun.
Here we shall build some lessons to help you improve your writing skills.
Lots of lessons: cause & effect, comparisons, linking signals, relative clauses, presenting information, expressing emotions and grammar games, of course. We had more lessons on: intensifying adverbs and phrasal verbs, expressing various concepts such as addition, exception, restriction and ambiguity. Lately we started some exercises: likes/dislikes, frequency adverbs (twice), verb tenses, etc.
Learn how to build a website, by using the SBI! system - start from the basics, developing a site concept and a niche, supply and demand, learn about profitability and monetization, payment processing, register domain, website structure and content as a pyramid. Also learn about the tools I'm using to build this website. We also covered how to build traffic, working with search engines, building a good system of inbound links, using social marketing and blogs with the SBI system, how to use Socialize It and Form Build It, how to publish an e-zine and how to build a social network in your niche.
We looked at a few games by now: Countable & uncountable nouns, Free Rice, Name That Thing, Spell It, Spelloween, the Phrasal Verbs Game, Preposition Desert, The Sentence Game, Word Confusion, Word Wangling, Buzzing Bees, and The Verb Viper Game.
Be prepared to play and learn more pretty soon.